Friday, February 13, 2009

A New Challenge

Please respond to this post by providing me with topics, questions, comments or interests about Korea. I would like to compile a list of things that people are curious about. When I have a list of decent length, I will attempt to post my observations and or fact on the matter.

Please note that I will not hold to anything I am saying as being more than observation and research. Also, while I am very open and willing to take questions (so please don't hesitate) I may not answer questions based on the appropriateness and/or legitimacy of the question.

I am eager to hear from you so bring on the questions!!!


  1. when you walk down the street in the city, what makes it different than walking down a city street in america? other than the language. e.g. is their personal space bubble different, do they make eye contact, are they more/less friendly, are the shops and roads set up differently etc.?
    also, how many other teachers are at the school? are the majority from bob jones?
    probably anything you say about korea, no matter how boring you think it may be, is new and interesting to those of us reading the blog.

  2. Thanks Michele! I will add these to the list I hope will be forming from others adding their questions...hint...hint. :o)


Please, if you have enjoyed reading and have a thought to share, please leave it here.

Daniel and Charity Moorehead
